Profiles >> Tilden Park Capital Management LP >> 13Fs >> 2019-03-31

Tilden Park Capital Management LP

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Tilden Park Capital Management LP is a Limited Partnership that started in 2009 and is primarily owned and controlled by Josh Birnbaum.. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Tilden Park Capital Management LP for Report Period 2019-03-31. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2019-03-31

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
CME GROUP INC COM CL A 12572Q105 4937 30000 SH DFND 30000 0 0
ISHARES TR CHINA LG-CAP ETF 464287184 26562 600000 SH Call DFND 600000 0 0
ISHARES TR MSCI EMG MKT ETF 464287234 25752 600000 SH Call DFND 600000 0 0
ISHARES TR US HOME CONS ETF 464288752 31716 900000 SH Call DFND 900000 0 0
PENNEY J C CORP INC COM 708160106 2199 1475987 SH DFND 1475987 0 0
SPDR SERIES TRUST S&P OILGAS EXP 78464A730 52258 1700000 SH Call DFND 1700000 0 0
SPDR SERIES TRUST S&P METALS MNG 78464A755 47488 1600000 SH Call DFND 1600000 0 0