Profiles >> Legion Partners Asset Management LLC >> 13Fs >> 2018-09-30

Legion Partners Asset Management LLC

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Legion Partners Asset Management LLC is a Limited Liability Company that started in 2012 and is primarily owned and controlled by Raymond T. White, Christopher Kiper, and Bradley Vizi. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Legion Partners Asset Management LLC for Report Period 2018-09-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2018-09-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
EDGEWELL PERS CARE CO COM 28035Q102 51876 1122136 SH SOLE 1122136 0 0
FOSTER L B CO COM 350060109 21619 1052002 SH SOLE 1052002 0 0
GENESCO INC COM 371532102 40729 864744 SH SOLE 864744 0 0
NN INC COM 629337106 15099 967891 SH SOLE 967891 0 0
NUTRI SYS INC NEW COM 67069D108 57302 1546618 SH SOLE 1546618 0 0
NEXEO SOLUTIONS INC COM SHS 65342H102 10405 849383 SH SOLE 849383 0 0
NEXEO SOLUTIONS INC *W EXP 06/09/202 65342H110 43134 3521167 SH SOLE 3521167 0 0
ONESPAN INC COM 68287N100 38273 2009082 SH SOLE 2009082 0 0
PRIMO WTR CORP COM 74165N105 37805 2094447 SH SOLE 2094447 0 0
PAPA JOHNS INTL INC COM 698813102 88514 1726086 SH SOLE 1726086 0 0
SPS COMM INC COM 78463M107 32399 326471 SH SOLE 326471 0 0
USA TECHNOLOGIES INC CONV PFD SER A 90328S203 931 44250 SH SOLE 44250 0 0
VONAGE HLDGS CORP COM 92886T201 33455 2362651 SH SOLE 2362651 0 0