Profiles >> Benefit Street Partners LLC >> 13Fs >> 2017-09-30

Benefit Street Partners LLC

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Benefit Street Partners LLC is a Limited Liability Company that started in 2011 and is primarily owned and controlled by Thomas Gahan, which was then acquired by Franklin Resources Inc in February 1st, 2019. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Benefit Street Partners LLC for Report Period 2017-09-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2017-09-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
CALLON PETE CO DEL COM 13123X102 6804 605341 SH SOLE 605341 0 0
CHENIERE ENERGY INC NOTE 4.250% 3/1 16411RAG4 30632 44400000 PRN SOLE 44400000 0 0
EAGLE BULK SHIPPING INC SHS NEW Y2187A143 3398 750000 SH SOLE 750000 0 0
FORTERRA INC COM 34960W106 1350 300000 SH SOLE 300000 0 0
HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT CO COM 44157R109 494 40997 SH SOLE 40997 0 0
HRG GROUP INC COM 40434J100 4150 265867 SH SOLE 265867 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DEB 4.000%11/1 530715AG6 19594 27500000 PRN SOLE 27500000 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DEB 3.750% 2/1 530715AL5 10575 15000000 PRN SOLE 15000000 0 0
NII HLDGS INC COM PAR 62913F508 1457 3167001 SH SOLE 3167001 0 0
SANCHEZ ENERGY CORP COM 79970Y105 2332 483859 SH SOLE 483859 0 0
SANDRIDGE ENERGY INC COM NEW 80007P869 19816 986343 SH SOLE 986343 0 0
TENET HEALTHCARE CORP COM NEW 88033G407 5234 318579 SH SOLE 318579 0 0
UNITI GROUP INC COM 91325V108 176 159700 SH Put SOLE 159700 0 0
VISTRA ENERGY CORP COM 92840M102 7989 427448 SH SOLE 427448 0 0
WEATHERFORD INTL LTD NOTE 5.875% 7/0 947075AH0 51870 47500000 PRN SOLE 47500000 0 0
WEATHERFORD INTL PLC ORD SHS G48833100 844 184215 SH SOLE 184215 0 0
WPX ENERGY INC COM 98212B103 2875 250000 SH SOLE 250000 0 0
WPX ENERGY INC PFD SER A CV 98212B202 3827 72000 SH SOLE 72000 0 0