Profiles >> Silver Point Capital LP >> 13Fs >> 2018-06-30

Silver Point Capital LP

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Silver Point Capital LP is a Limited Partnership that started in 2001 and is primarily owned and controlled by Edward A Mule and Robert J. O'Shea.. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Silver Point Capital LP for Report Period 2018-06-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2018-06-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 22135 450000 SH DFND 450000 0 0
BASIC ENERGY SVCS INC NEW COM NEW 06985P209 36309 3268151 SH DFND 3268151 0 0
CAESARS ENTMT CORP COM 127686103 227344 21247126 SH DFND 21247126 0 0
CAESARS ENTMT CORP NOTE 5.000%10/0 127686AA1 60608 35678086 PRN DFND 35678086 0 0
CARS COM INC COM 14575E105 38014 1339000 SH DFND 1339000 0 0
COOPER STD HLDGS INC COM 21676P103 72914 558000 SH DFND 558000 0 0
ENPRO INDS INC COM 29355X107 54393 777600 SH DFND 777600 0 0
PENN VA CORP NEW COM 70788V102 28934 340837 SH DFND 340837 0 0
QUALITY CARE PPTYS INC COM 747545101 181921 8457500 SH DFND 8457500 0 0
RESOLUTE ENERGY CORP COM NEW 76116A306 12074 387000 SH DFND 387000 0 0
VICI PPTYS INC COM 925652109 247598 11996071 SH DFND 11996071 0 0