Profiles >> Silver Point Capital LP >> 13Fs >> 2015-06-30

Silver Point Capital LP

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Silver Point Capital LP is a Limited Partnership that started in 2001 and is primarily owned and controlled by Edward A Mule and Robert J. O'Shea.. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Silver Point Capital LP for Report Period 2015-06-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2015-06-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC *W EXP 01/19/202 026874156 32971 1193300 SH DFND 1193300 0 0
AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC COM NEW 026874784 167223 2705000 SH DFND 2705000 0 0
BARNES & NOBLE INC COM 067774109 39537 1523000 SH DFND 1523000 0 0
COOPER STD HLDGS INC COM 21676P103 289551 4710452 SH DFND 4710452 0 0
DANA HLDG CORP COM 235825205 49602 2410208 SH DFND 2410208 0 0
DYNEGY INC NEW DEL COM 26817R108 34661 1185000 SH DFND 1185000 0 0
E TRADE FINANCIAL CORP COM NEW 269246401 25458 850000 SH DFND 850000 0 0
ENPRO INDS INC COM 29355X107 70112 1225300 SH DFND 1225300 0 0
GRAY TELEVISION INC COM 389375106 29008 1850000 SH DFND 1850000 0 0
IRSA INVERSIONES Y REP S A GLOBL DEP RCPT 450047204 6013 335000 SH DFND 335000 0 0
ISHARES TR PUT 464287955 2350 7555 SH Put DFND 7555 0 0
LEE ENTERPRISES INC COM 523768109 11239 3375000 SH DFND 3375000 0 0
MAGNUM HUNTER RES CORP DEL COM 55973B102 1590 850000 SH DFND 850000 0 0
NORTEK INC COM NEW 656559309 59854 720000 SH DFND 720000 0 0
PACIFIC DATAVISION INC COM 694171307 8725 207100 SH DFND 207100 0 0
PINNACLE ENTMT INC COM 723456109 19125 513000 SH DFND 513000 0 0
TALEN ENERGY CORP COM ADDED 87422J105 46761 2725000 SH DFND 2725000 0 0
TRAVELPORT WORLDWIDE LTD SHS G9019D104 23594 1712214 SH DFND 1712214 0 0