Profiles >> Blue Harbour Group LP >> 13Fs >> 2019-06-30

Blue Harbour Group LP

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Blue Harbour Group LP is a Limited Partnership that started in 2004 and is primarily owned and controlled by Clifton S. Robbins. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Blue Harbour Group LP for Report Period 2019-06-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2019-06-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 158980 6550490 SH SOLE 6550490 0 0
DAVE & BUSTERS ENTMT INC COM 238337109 27101 669656 SH SOLE 669656 0 0
GENESEE & WYO INC CL A 371559105 200782 2007816 SH SOLE 2007816 0 0
INVESTORS BANCORP INC NEW COM 46146L101 304603 27318628 SH SOLE 27318628 0 0
ITT INC COM 45073V108 15277 233308 SH SOLE 233308 0 0
MADISON SQUARE GARDEN CO NEW CL A 55825T103 188904 674800 SH SOLE 674800 0 0
MEDPACE HLDGS INC COM 58506Q109 47462 725500 SH SOLE 725500 0 0
MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL COM 552953101 124766 4367016 SH SOLE 4367016 0 0
ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP COM 682189105 87453 4327218 SH SOLE 4327218 0 0
OPEN TEXT CORP COM 683715106 262655 6375120 SH SOLE 6375120 0 0
PENN NATL GAMING INC COM 707569109 57955 3009075 SH SOLE 3009075 0 0
WESCO INTL INC COM 95082P105 202119 3990495 SH SOLE 3990495 0 0
ZYNGA INC CL A 98986T108 27404 4470500 SH SOLE 4470500 0 0