Profiles >> Anchorage Capital Group LLC >> 13Fs >> 2020-06-30

Anchorage Capital Group LLC

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

Anchorage Capital Group LLC is a Limited Liability Company that started in 2003 and is primarily owned and controlled by Kevin Ulrich. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for Anchorage Capital Group LLC for Report Period 2020-06-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2020-06-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
DISH NETWORK CORPORATION NOTE 3.375% 8/1 25470MAB5 56190 60850000 PRN SOLE 60850000 0 0
DISNEY WALT CO COM DISNEY 254687106 83633 750000 SH Put SOLE 750000 0 0
EZCORP INC NOTE 2.375% 5/0 302301AE6 18557 24000000 PRN SOLE 24000000 0 0
FAR PT ACQUISITION CORP *W EXP 06/01/202 30734W117 667 1333333 SH SOLE 1333333 0 0
GOODRICH PETE CORP COM PAR 382410843 11303 1569878 SH SOLE 1569878 0 0
HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT CO COM 44157R109 35233 19465570 SH SOLE 19465570 0 0
ISHARES TR RUSSELL 2000 ETF 464287655 250565 1750000 SH Put SOLE 1750000 0 0
LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DEB 3.750% 2/1 530715AL5 66854 98110000 PRN SOLE 98110000 0 0
PG&E CORP COM 69331C108 389464 43908000 SH SOLE 43908000 0 0
ROSEHILL RES INC *W EXP 04/27/202 777385113 229 3245678 SH SOLE 3245678 0 0
ROSEHILL RES INC CL A 777385105 298 413002 SH SOLE 413002 0 0
SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR TR UNIT 78462F103 1233440 4000000 SH Put SOLE 4000000 0 0