Profiles >> King Street Capital Management LP >> 13Fs >> 2016-12-31

King Street Capital Management LP

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

King Street Capital Management LP is a Limited Partnership that started in 1995 and is primarily owned and controlled by Brian J. Higgins and O. Francis Biondi, Jr. (retired). To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for King Street Capital Management LP for Report Period 2016-12-31. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2016-12-31

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
ALLY FINL INC COM 02005N100 47550 2500000 SH SOLE 2500000 0 0
ARCH COAL INC CL A 039380407 11692 149800 SH SOLE 149800 0 0
ATHENE HLDG LTD CL A G0684D107 56118 1169365 SH SOLE 1169365 0 0
ATLANTICA YIELD PLC SHS G0751N103 19350 1000000 SH SOLE 1000000 0 0
BANK OF NT BUTTERFIELD&SON L SHS NEW G0772R208 82487 2623624 SH SOLE 2623624 0 0
EDGEWELL PERS CARE CO COM 28035Q102 7299 100000 SH Put SOLE 100000 0 0
EP ENERGY CORP CL A 268785102 19650 3000000 SH SOLE 3000000 0 0
EQUITY RESIDENTIAL SH BEN INT 29476L107 32180 500000 SH Put SOLE 500000 0 0
PANERA BREAD CO CL A 69840W108 51273 250000 SH Put SOLE 250000 0 0
VEREIT INC COM 92339V100 21150 2500000 SH SOLE 2500000 0 0
WILLIAMS COS INC DEL COM 969457100 46710 1500000 SH SOLE 1500000 0 0
ZAYO GROUP HLDGS INC COM 98919V105 20538 625000 SH Call SOLE 0 0 0