Profiles >> Viking Global Investors LP >> 13Fs >> 2017-09-30
Viking Global Investors LP
Last Updated: 3/2/2021
Viking Global Investors LP is a Limited Partnership that started in 1999 and is primarily owned and controlled by O. Andreas Halvorsen and David C. Ott. To see a profile of the company, click here.
Below is the 13F Filing for Viking Global Investors LP for Report Period 2017-09-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.
Historical 13F Holdings - 2017-09-30
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Issuer | Title of Class | CUSIP | Value(1000s) | Share | SH/PRN | Put/Call | Investment Discretion | Other Manager | Sole | Shared | None |
ATYR PHARMA INC | COM | 002120103 | 8978 | 1777784 | SH | SOLE | 1777784 | 0 | 0 | ||
ANTHEM INC | COM | 036752103 | 165853 | 873464 | SH | SOLE | 873464 | 0 | 0 | ||
AUTODESK INC | COM | 052769106 | 272721 | 2429369 | SH | SOLE | 2429369 | 0 | 0 | ||
AVEXIS INC | COM | 05366U100 | 57202 | 591360 | SH | SOLE | 591360 | 0 | 0 | ||
BANK AMER CORP | COM | 060505104 | 185851 | 7334276 | SH | SOLE | 7334276 | 0 | 0 | ||
CABOT OIL & GAS CORP | COM | 127097103 | 108741 | 4065094 | SH | SOLE | 4065094 | 0 | 0 | ||
CALITHERA BIOSCIENCES INC | COM | 13089P101 | 41336 | 2624533 | SH | SOLE | 2624533 | 0 | 0 | ||
CANADIAN PAC RY LTD | COM | 13645T100 | 576293 | 3429705 | SH | SOLE | 3429705 | 0 | 0 | ||
D R HORTON INC | COM | 23331A109 | 61082 | 1529716 | SH | SOLE | 1529716 | 0 | 0 | ||
DECIPHERA PHARMACEUTICALS IN | COM | 24344T101 | 47314 | 2491542 | SH | SOLE | 2491542 | 0 | 0 |