Profiles >> The Baupost Group LLC >> 13Fs >> 2013-06-30

The Baupost Group LLC

Last Updated: 3/2/2021

The Baupost Group LLC is a Limited Liability Company that started in 1982 and is primarily owned and controlled by Seth A. Klarman. To see a profile of the company, click here.

Below is the 13F Filing for The Baupost Group LLC for Report Period 2013-06-30. Historical analysis on the top 100 Holdings are available by clicking on the Issuer Name in the list.

Historical 13F Holdings - 2013-06-30

Issuer Title of Class CUSIP Value(1000s) Share SH/PRN Put/Call Investment Discretion Other Manager Sole Shared None
ALLIANCE ONE INTL INC COM 018772103 29146 7669969 SH SOLE 7669969 0 0
AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC *W EXP 01/19/202 026874156 11974 656443 SH SOLE 656443 0 0
AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC COM NEW 026874784 452374 10120227 SH SOLE 10120227 0 0
AVEO PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 053588109 9573 3829350 SH SOLE 3829350 0 0
BP PLC SPONSORED ADR 055622104 776259 18597482 SH SOLE 18597482 0 0
CENTRAL PAC FINL CORP COM NEW 154760409 26851 1491731 SH SOLE 1491731 0 0
CHIPMOS TECH BERMUDA LTD SHS G2110R114 53474 2763530 SH SOLE 2763530 0 0
CITIGROUP INC *W EXP 01/04/201 172967226 74077 94246007 SH SOLE 94246007 0 0
ENZON PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 293904108 15383 7691453 SH SOLE 7691453 0 0
IDENIX PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 45166R204 96629 26767000 SH SOLE 26767000 0 0
ITURAN LOCATION AND CONTROL SHS M6158M104 17517 1038342 SH SOLE 1038342 0 0
KINROSS GOLD CORP COM NO PAR 496902404 10724 2102700 SH SOLE 2102700 0 0
MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC COM 595112103 594695 41500000 SH SOLE 41500000 0 0
MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC DEBT 1.875% 6/0 595112AK9 15196 11367000 PRN SOLE 11367000 0 0
NOVACOPPER INC COM 66988K102 8759 5005298 SH SOLE 5005298 0 0
NOVAGOLD RES INC COM NEW 66987E206 45762 21688300 SH SOLE 21688300 0 0
ORACLE CORP COM 68389X105 73301 2386890 SH SOLE 2386890 0 0
PRETIUM RES INC COM 74139C102 1033 155700 SH SOLE 155700 0 0
ROVI CORP COM 779376102 140694 6160000 SH SOLE 6160000 0 0
SYNERON MEDICAL LTD ORD SHS M87245102 34800 4000000 SH SOLE 4000000 0 0
THERAVANCE INC COM 88338T104 637247 16538977 SH SOLE 16538977 0 0
THERAVANCE INC NOTE 3.000% 1/1 88338TAA2 79429 51000000 PRN SOLE 51000000 0 0
VIASAT INC COM 92552V100 786060 11000000 SH SOLE 11000000 0 0
YAMANA GOLD INC COM 98462Y100 30960 3255500 SH SOLE 3255500 0 0

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